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Issue 7
, 2007
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Toxics Link adds new films and publications to its outreach tools

Source: Toxics Link, Date: , 2007

It has been a busy time for the Information and Communication team at the Toxics Link. Along with its underlying role as a facilitating unit for the research and advocacy and media activities, the team has been busy finalising a number of number of knowledge products on toxics and related environmental issues.

These include materials that are aimed at specific audiences, namely youth and children among others like the healthcare staff. The team has developed two films, animation and documentary format, on the issue of mercury hazards and its impact.

The film titled "Mercury- No Silver Lining" has about 10 minutes runtime and deals with the history, present practices and alternatives of mercury usage, ranging from household consumer appliances to industrial processes. A two-minute animation has been prepared with the nursing community in focus to detail the process of mercury management in case of a breakage or spill. Both the films are available in Hindi and English languages.

Fact sheets have been an effective and popular medium for dissemination of information on topical issues. Two new ones have been added to the list of publications, namely "Go green in your idol immersion practices" and "WEEE other side of the digital revolution". Both are available for download at